How to Change Your Moniepoint Transaction PIN

How to Change Your Moniepoint Transaction PIN – Have you ever felt the need to change your Moniepoint transaction PIN due to security concerns or simply because you forgot it? This article will guide you step by step on how to reset or change your Moniepoint transaction PIN.

Getting Started with Moniepoint

  1. Logging into Moniepoint: The process begins with logging into your Moniepoint application.
  2. Navigating to Settings: Once logged in, you will find three dots located on the screen. Click on them to proceed to the ‘Settings’ option.

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Changing your Moniepoint Transaction PIN

  1. Accessing Security Settings: Scroll down within the ‘Settings’ until you find the ‘Security’ option. Clicking on ‘Security’ will lead you to the ‘Reset Authorization PIN’ option.
  2. Resetting your PIN: The system will prompt you to enter your eight-character password, followed by the new four-digit PIN you wish to use.
  3. Confirming the change: After entering these details, you will need to click on ‘Confirm’, followed by ‘Change PIN’. At this point, an OTP (Time Password) will be sent to your registered phone number.

Finalizing Your PIN Change

  1. Entering the OTP: You will be asked to input this OTP in the provided space. In case of difficulties receiving the OTP, click on ‘Resend OTP’ or dial 555573 on the phone number registered with your Moniepoint account. Once the OTP is entered, click on ‘Submit’.
  2. Successful PIN reset: A successful authorization PIN reset is confirmed by the system, after which you can click ‘Continue’. You can now use your new PIN for your POS and app transactions.


With these simple steps, resetting or changing your Moniepoint transaction PIN is a straightforward process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What do I do if I forget my Moniepoint PIN?
A1: If you forget your Moniepoint PIN, you can reset it by following the steps mentioned above.

Q2: What should I do if I don’t receive my OTP?
A2: If you do not receive your OTP, click on ‘Resend OTP’ or dial 555573 on the phone number registered with your Moniepoint account.

Q3: Can I use the same PIN for my Moniepoint POS and app transactions?
A3: Yes, once you’ve reset your PIN, you can use the new PIN for both your POS and app transactions.


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1 Response

  1. I want to reset my pin in my personal account

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