The Supernumerary Police, commonly referred to as Spy Police, is a specialized division within the Nigerian Police Force. Various organizations, including banks and government establishments, deploy these officers to provide security and oversight for assets and properties. This article will explore the salary structure of Spy Police officers in Nigeria, shedding light on how much they earn.
Overview of Spy Police in Nigeria
Spy Police officers play a crucial role in enhancing security within the country, particularly in corporate settings. They are employed by many multinational corporations across sectors such as oil, pharmaceuticals, and insurance. Their primary duty involves protecting company assets and maintaining order.
The Supernumerary Police was established under Section 46 of the Police Act CAP 359 of 1968 and amended under Section 418 of the Police Act CAP 359 of the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1990. This framework allows organizations to engage Spy Police officers for their security needs.
Functions and Roles of Spy Police Officers
According to Section 18 of the Police Act, the responsibilities of Spy Police officers include:
- Performing administrative duties on police premises.
- Protecting property as Company Spies.
- Serving as orderlies when needed.
- Supporting regular police officers in various capacities, especially in organizations and corporations.
Spy Police Salary Structure
The salary of Supernumerary Police officers varies based on individual agreements with the organizations they serve. Notably, the Nigerian government does not pay these officers; their salaries are determined by the private or public entities employing them.
- The lowest-ranked officer, typically a Corporal, earns approximately ₦70,000 monthly.
- Higher-ranking officers, such as Assistant Superintendents of Police and Chief Superintendents of Police, can negotiate more lucrative salaries based on their positions and experience.
It’s important to note that the Police Act states that Supernumerary Police officers are not entitled to ex-service benefits like pensions or gratuities from the police fund.
Appointment and Ranks of Spy Police Officers
Upon appointment, each Spy Police officer is required to serve on a monthly basis, and they can resign by providing one month’s notice to the relevant authority. These officers operate under the same rules and regulations as regular police officers, except for the position of the Inspector General of Police.
Benefits of Joining the Nigerian Supernumerary Police
Joining the Spy Police offers several advantages:
- Officers enjoy privileges similar to those of regular police officers.
- They can travel freely without restrictions.
- High demand for Spy Police officers makes it easier to secure employment with reputable firms.
- They earn a significant level of respect in their roles.
- Officers are generally not subject to harassment from other security personnel.
This article has provided an in-depth look at the salary structure of Spy Police officers in Nigeria. Understanding their earnings and roles offers valuable insight into the benefits and responsibilities associated with this unique security position. Spy Police officers can enjoy a rewarding career while contributing to the safety and security of various organizations in the country.